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Our Accreditations

Green Tourism is a certification program that recognises and promotes sustainable practices in the tourism industry. It serves as a reliable and independent benchmark for businesses in the sector, demonstrating their commitment to minimising their environmental impact.
The accreditation process involved a comprehensive assessment of aspects of our business ranging from how we spread awareness and communicate our commitment to all things ESG, how we treat our staff, the guest experience we provide and how we promote low carbon and eco-friendly activities as well as looking at our energy and water consumptions. Accreditation criteria are based on internationally recognised sustainability standards and guidelines, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
To achieve a Green Tourism accreditation rating we had to demonstrate our efforts to reduce carbon emissions, implement energy-efficient measures and adopt sustainable waste management solutions. We were also evaluated on our commitment to protecting local ecosystems, promoting biodiversity and supporting local communities.
We are proud to have achieved a Green Tourism rating and believe that this enhances our reputation by showcasing our environmental responsibilities and dedication to sustainability. We will be assessed on an annual basis to ensure we maintain, and in some areas improve, our sustainability practices.
Receiving the ECOsmart accreditation of Ecosmart Plus is a milestone on our journey to adopting eco-friendly practices across all aspects of our operations. From reducing carbon emissions and conserving water resources to sourcing sustainable materials and supporting local businesses, we strive to lead by example. The ECOsmart accreditation is more than just an accolade, it’s a recognition of our responsible business practices, innovative sustainability solutions and ethical values. This accreditation is awarded to organisations that demonstrate exceptional commitment to minimising their environmental footprint while maximising efficiency and corporate social responsibility. This achievement showcases our dedication to sustainability and environmental stewardship and our commitment to building a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.
Our Carbon Footprint Reports
We are proud to present our Carbon Footprint Reports. The comprehensive analysis offers critical insights into the environmental impact of our business.
Data gathering is key to understanding the opportunities that we might have to reduce our carbon emissions. By scrutinizing key sectors such as energy consumption, transportation and waste management we obtain a greater understanding of the delicate balance between carrying our essential business activities and the impact those activities have on the environment.
Our Carbon Footprint Reports are available to view here: